Hi, I'm Jean-Baptiste GOMEZ

Data Scientist

Recently graduated with dual Master's degrees and an Engineering degree specializing in Econometrics, Big Data, and Statistics, I am eager to position myself as a Data Scientist. I excel in transforming complex data into actionable solutions and strategic insights. My academic and professional background has equipped me with advanced skills in statistical modeling, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (LLMs, NLP, transformers, generative AI), image processing, and data analysis. I have a knack for uncovering hidden trends and developing precise predictive models. My goal is to fully immerse myself in the ever-evolving field of data science, refining my techniques and gaining a deep understanding of business challenges. I am ready to play a pivotal role in making informed strategic decisions.

About Me

Data Scientist!

Jean-Baptiste Boris GOMEZ, 24 years old, hailing from Benin, I am passionate about data and data science πŸ“ˆ. I enjoy exploring insights from vast datasets πŸ“Š. Always seeking new challenges πŸš€, I enthusiastically immerse myself in this ever-evolving field πŸ“ˆ. My ambition and determination πŸ’ͺ are the cornerstones of my journey, enabling me to aim for ever higher peaks. I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to benefit a company, thereby contributing to informed decision-making 🌟.

My Journey


2022 - 2024


- Machine learning and statistical learning;
- Big data tools (Hadoop, Hive, Spark);
- Big data and quantitative marketing;
- Non-parametric methods in econometrics;
- Certification and Hackathon (NLP-Text Summarization);

2021 - 2024


- Advanced SAS ;
- Big Data: Managing Databases, SQL, NoSQL ;
- Introduction to Machine Learning ;
- Machine learning Advanced and Deep Learning ;
- Data scientist Project ;
- Data viz: Power BI and Tableau ;
- Programming for Big Data, an introduction to Python and SQL ;
- Big Data: Data exploration, cleansing and visualization ;

2021 - 2022

BACHELOR'S DEGREE 3 | ECONOMY and FINANCE (Majoring of promotion) - Aix-Marseille University

- Introduction to econometrics ;
- Applied econometrics project ;
- Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics ;
- Survey techniques ;
- English Language ;

2020 - 2021

BACHELOR'S DEGREE 3 | Information Systems and Computer Networks - Institute for Formation and Research in Computer Science (Benin)

- Web and mobile application development ;
- Computer networks ;
- Programming languages C, Java, PHP ;
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java and PHP ;
- SQL and PostgreSQL database management ;

2017 - 2020

BACHELOR'S DEGREE | Project Planning and Management - National School of Applied Economics and Management (Benin)

- Project Management and Evaluation ;
- Quantitative Planning Techniques ;
- Operations Research ;
- Statistical and Econometric Analysis ;
- Gantt Chart and the PERT Chart (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) ;


2023 - 2024

Data Analyst (Apprenticeship) - DREAL

- Development of tools for data production, dissemination and decision support using datavisualization, reproducible publications with R, Python and Apache Superset ;
- Management of package dependencies for a project developed in R and nationwide deployment;
- Data processing with SQL queries from PostgreSQL to create Superset dashboards;
- Contribution to the deployment of service offers in project mode.

2022 - 2023

Data Scientist (Internship)- SESSTIM

- Examine potential differences between the statistical approaches used in the fields of economics and public health ;
- Evaluate the possibility of transferring existing "meta-exercises" and datasets from one field to the other ;
- Improve the code of the PersonnAlyseR project's R Shiny web application ;

2021 - 2022

Data Scientist (Internship) - UCB (Belgium)

- Data preparation, processing and econometric modeling (linear and nonlinear models) ;
- Data visualization and graphical interactivity with ggplot2 and Plotly ;
- Developed 5 webs and dashboard applications in R Shiny for pharmaceutical research ;

2020 - 2021

Web Developer (Internship) - URBAN TECHNOLOGY (Benin)

- Class and Use Case Diagram design (UML) ;
- SQL database management with MySQL (phpMyAdmin) ;
- Development of web and mobile applications using the Symfony Framework (PHP).

2019 - 2020

Project Management Assistant (Internship) - DGAE (Benin)

- Participation in the elaboration of the TaBIP (Tableau de Bord des Investisseurs PrivΓ©s) 2019 and other activities within the investment framework ;
- Statistical analysis of survey data ;
- Econometric modeling and forecasting ;
- Elaboration of Gantt charts.

My Skills

Coding Skills

Language : Python, R, SQL, Spark, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, HTML, CSS, et DAX. 90%

Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, NoSQL, et Microsoft SQL Server. 90%

Software: VS Code, R Studio, SAS, Power BI, Tableau, Stata, Eviews, GIT, et Pack Office. 88%

Development platform: Hugging Face, H20.ai, Anaconda, IBM Watson Studio, Dataiku DSS, Kaggle, WampServer, Xampp, et Apache Superset. 85%

Professionnal Skills

Model development and deployment, Machine Learning, Deep Learning. 95%

Text processing, Image processing, Generative AI (NLP, LLMs, Transformers), Report production. 80%

Web Development with R shiny85%

Data collection and analysis (statistics), data visualization. 90%